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Literature Quiz
In Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream", what changes the lovers' minds about each other?
In Greek mythology, Hercules killed his music teacher named what by striking him with a lyre?
The 1979 book titled "The Burger's Daughter" was written by?
In the Anne Rice novel "The Queen of the Damned", who is the only vampire that Armand has made?
Which play starts with a ghost on the battlements?
From which Dr Seuss book is Schanck & Skipper Zipp a character?
Who is the daughter of Rowan Mayfair in Anne Rice's series "Lives of the Mayfair Witches"?
What was the name of the paranoid android in Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy?
What year was "Dying Inside" published?
Adjectives starting with a consonant use which indefinite article?
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