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Literature Quiz
What school does Jake attend in "The Waste Lands" by Stephen King?
Where did J.K. Rowling write most of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?
Who told King Shahryar a story every night, thereby keeping him from killing her?
What are the four animals on the Hogwarts coat of arms in the "Harry Potter" books?
In the Anne Rice's "The Vampire Chronicles", who was the first person Lestat gave the Dark Gift to?
In the works of Tolkien, what is "Elwe Singollo" in Sindarin?
Who wrote the South African novel "The Smell of Apples"?
Which progressive rock band did an entire album of songs based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe?
In "Lord of the Rings", what is the name of the Sword that was broken after it was forged again?
Who was the "Great Grey Poet"?
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Literature Quiz
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Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.