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Literature Quiz
In what year did the sci-fi book "Enders Game" by Orson Scott Card come out?
In what country does Khaled Hosseini's 2007 novel, "A Thousand Splendid Suns", take place?
Who wrote the "Leatherstocking Tales"?
In 1905, which classic did Edith Wharton write?
The book "Lord of Light", was written by whom?
In "Slaughterhouse-Five", the Tralfamadorians kidnapped Billy on which night?
Which "Ender's Game" character is taken away to Battle School by Colonel Graff?
Who is the subject of Debby Applegate's Pulitzer Prize-winning "The Most Famous Man in America"?
Which of these words is defined as excessively smooth or suave?
What was the first novel by Mitch Albom, who published "For One More Day" in 2006?
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