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Do you remember the 50s?
Britain's first pacakge holiday ran in 1950 to which island?
Which artist was well-known for paiting Bible scenes set in the small English village where he lived?
Which movie is about a private detective who picks up a hitchhiking escaped psychiatric patient?
Which European country help a referendum in 1950 over the return of the monarchy?
Fern Arable is the lead human character in which novel about a pig and a spider?
Which Tchaikovsky ballet was the first to be shown on TV in colour?
What was Buddy Holly's real first name?
Who are Vladimir and Estragon waiting for in a 1953 Samuel Beckett work?
The final of the 1950 World Cup was played in which city?
1958 saw the introduction of a very fine fibre made from atoms of which element?
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