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How much do you know about food and beverages?
What mountain flower flavored cheese is considered to be the world's most expensive?
In 2006, what percentage of American homes contained peanut butter?
Where was Prince's pasta originally sold?
What scale is used to measure the heat and spice of chilies?
Vindaloo is ultimately derived from vinho d'ahlo, meaning "wine of garlic" in what language?
Which of these would you use to make pizza dough?
The Scottish cake called Black Bun is traditionally eaten at which time of year?
The cinnamon tree is indigenous to ...?
Who is said to have been the founder of classical French cooking?
Tetley founders Joseph and Edward Tetley originally sold what product prior to introducing their line of teas?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
We bet you don't know a thing about who invented these things!
How much do you know about food and beverages?
Movies Quiz