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Who or what am I?
What is the actual meaning of the word "Bauhaus"?
What is the study of word origins called?
I was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that swore John F. Kennedy into office, who am I?
What is the name of the mutated rat on "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"?
My last film role before death was as the planet Unicron in "Transformers: The Movie", who am I?
Who said, "If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things."?
I was once a rapper who led the Funky Bunch, but now I'm an Oscar-nominated actor. Who am I?
Who said, "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."?
I am widely known for coining the phrase, "A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose", who am I?
Dimitri Shostakovich is known for being which one of the following?
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Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
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Everybody likes music, but how much do you know about it?