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How much do you know about food and beverages?
According to CAMRA what cannot be used in the serving of real ales?
As of 2013, which of these flick games was the 25th Best Selling Game of all time on iTunes?
Which of these is a bubble gum featuring baseball players on the packaging?
One of the Brazil's most popular dishes is Picadinho de Jacare, what is it made of?
Which nationality does Pollo Picado belong to?
Jellied eels is a dish most associated with which city?
What type of sauce was used in dishes described as "devilled"?
What would you be served in a Japanese restaurant if you ordered "Umeboshi"?
Spaghetti is not the name of an entree but rather a variety of what food?
A Black Russian is made with vodka and what?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
Who or what am I?
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