The majority of people in India prefer which of these diets?
Question 2
What type of fish was used to make a stargazy pie?
Question 3
What plant is ground up to make flour?
Question 4
Which chef has been the host of "Pick of the Day", "Meals Without Meat" and "Food in a Flash"?
Question 5
Which of these varieties of beans is not actually a vegetable?
Question 6
This country is said to consume more beer per capita than anywhere else. Pilsener is named for its town of Plzen, and the original Budweiser was a pilsener from this country. What is it?
Question 7
Pork roll, egg and cheese on a hard roll is known as what?
Question 8
Which of these products is named for an actual person, specifically a traveling food critic?
Question 9
What's between the bread in a Denny's club sandwich?