Ballet developed in Russia in the 1900's because of visits from which Russian ballerina?
Question 2 of 15
What is the only decorative carp that is bred in Japan?
Question 3 of 15
A candle factory can make 2600 candles a month. What's their yearly output?
Question 4 of 15
Which Asian country was formerly known as Siam?
Question 5 of 15
The building of the Aswan High Dam forced what country to move the Abu Simbel temples?
Question 6 of 15
What name is given to a female rabbit?
Question 7 of 15
The word "danke" means "thanks" in what country's language?
Question 8 of 15
The Geneva Convention created rules and laws that are suppose to govern what?
Question 9 of 15
What is the name for an email which tries to illicitly obtain someone's data?
Question 10 of 15
Anthony Perkins most famous role to date was Norman Bates from what film?
Question 11 of 15
Because it is covered in iron oxide dust, what color does Mars appear to be from earth?
Question 12 of 15
What does 9 raised to the power of 1 equal?
Question 13 of 15
What was the name of the famous Apache Chief who, after surrendering to U.S. authorities in 1886, worked as a farmer in Florida until his death in 1909?
Question 14 of 15
Which of these was not a Spice Girl?
Question 15 of 15
Which of the following cheese is not Italian?
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