In which country would you find Loch Ness, and possibly the mythical "Loch Ness Monster"?
Question 2 of 15
Which compass direction is the opposite of West?
Question 3 of 15
Name the boxer who wrote the book "12 Rounds to Victory"?
Question 4 of 15
Which of these do Mexico, England and China have in common?
Question 5 of 15
Which of the following art movements is characterized by a fascination with pop culture?
Question 6 of 15
What is half of 84, plus 3?
Question 7 of 15
What is the Arabic number equivalent to the Roman numeral XXII?
Question 8 of 15
What is a trick for adding 9?
Question 9 of 15
What US city is located where the Mississippi meets the Missouri river?
Question 10 of 15
In 1979, the Sandinista rebels were active in which central American country?
Question 11 of 15
What was the first name of US President Hoover?
Question 12 of 15
Jamie Reid, who produced this band's "ransom note" debut album cover, also designed a poster of the Queen with a safety pin through her lip to promote its second single. What band is this?
Question 13 of 15
The 1950s singer Shirley Bassey was from which country?
Question 14 of 15
Who played the "Uptown Girl" in Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl" video?
Question 15 of 15
What country, home of the world's highest mountain, is Katmandu the capital of?
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